
18 California children sue Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over climate change risk!

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18 California children sue Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over climate change risk 

California wildfire the cause of climate crisis affecting children

California’s wildfire season gets worse every year resulting in smoke and grime, giving rise to coughing fits and congestion in children that makes it difficult to concentrate along with nosebleeds.

Avroh is one of 18 young people who have joined the latest in a series of lawsuits filed on behalf of youth who are struggling with the physical and emotional effects of the climate crisis. They accuse the EPA of failing to adequately protect children nationwide from environmental catastrophe. It also claims the agency has discriminated against them by discounting the economic value of their lives and their future as it decides how to regulate climate pollution.


Federal Court is asked to hold EPA accountable

Genesis B. v. the United States Environmental Protection Agency, filed on their behalf by the “non-profit environmental advocacy group Our Children’s Trust”, asks a federal court to hold the EPA accountable for what the plaintiffs consider negligence in violating “their constitutional fundamental right to life and equal protection under the law.” It also seeks clarification on the status of children as a protected legal class in the United States.

United States Environmental Protection Agency’s 2021 Policy on Children’s Health says Children can be at a greater risk to environmental hazards due to unique activity patterns, behaviours and biology.  As children are still growing and developing, they do not respond to toxic substances in the same way as adults. For instance, their blood-brain barrier and metabolic processes are less mature. The timing of exposure to chemicals and other contaminants is critical in protecting human health.

Children who live in highly exposed or underserved communities may have reduced biological resilience and ability to recover from exposure to environmental hazards. With new threats and worsening conditions resulting from climate change, the EPA has a greater responsibility to provide children with heightened focus, assessment and safeguards to protect their health.

In implementing this policy, the EPA will identify and integrate data to conduct risk assessments of children’s health to inform decisions.


The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention carries out National Environmental Public Health

Tracking on children and say that because they are small and still developing, they are more easily exposed to environmental contaminants and here’s why:

  • Children breathe more air, drink more water, and eat more food per pound of body weight than adults.
  • Children are more likely to put their hands in their mouth.
  • A child’s body may not be able to break down and get rid of harmful contaminants that enter their body.
  • Health problems from an environmental exposure can take years to develop. Because they are young, children have more time to develop health conditions and diseases than adults who are exposed later in their life.
Proprietary blog of Karma Global

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