What is the service about ?
The analysis of current compliance Status, the audit of Labour Law records and guides on the compliances in line with various Labour Laws covering Minimum Wages, Payment of Wages, Shops and Establishment, Professional Tax, Provident Fund, Employee State Insurance, Contract Labour, Factory’s Act, Standing Orders Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Payment of Gratuity, etc are what is famously known as establishment compliances. It covers various activities such as maintaining statutory documents & adhering to the applicable procedures to be followed under various acts/rules. Under this establishment, compliance returns are one of the activities to be filled periodically under various acts & rules online & offline.
What value does the client get ?

Rich feedback from the industry has propelled Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt Ltd. to reach out immensely to credible business houses beyond the shores of India, given the immense capability of the tool to encapsulate both establishment and service providers regulatory compliances with state of the art features, dashboards, crunching statistics, compliance cockpit, in-depth insights, summarized capsules, etc. With our state-of-the-art technology, our clients get complied under establishment compliances & returns.
What process do we follow and what tools do we use ?

As a global consulting giant, we have made a foray into the digital world by evolving a tool called WeProcess which is a valuable digital container holding together as a cohesive unit, all the regulatory compliances of the entity or establishment where the artificial intelligence with the chatbot popping up as a support tool keeps a hawk’s eye on the level of compliances required to be adhered to by the establishments who are keen to be ethically compliant as per global norms and practices.
The We Process tool in a way also offers tremendous assistance to the principal employer or to an industry, big or medium, or small, in a full-fledged diagnostic mode to check whether it is following proper regulatory compliances for itself or not. The industries must toe the line with the regulator to be fully compliant or else they may have to face necessary interdictions by the appropriate authorities which can be both an embarrassment and also can lead to a fallout in the reputation or image.
“We Process” is used for preparing documents such as wage register, attendance register, and preparation of various challans and other documents which require to be prepared under various acts & rules. We, at Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt Ltd., also use the Government portal for return filling.