Shared Services - What is the service about?
People Management forms the axis of all other elements rotating around it. Tasks and sub-tasks supporting the main columns of People Management include employer branding, recruitment, compensation, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation and engagement, communication, administration, and training. If one tries to club all the tasks and sub-tasks of People Management in order to knit or weave the cultural fabric within the organization, it is the result of this very seamless employee experience that attracts and retains the right talent so desirable by any Organisation for its well being and growth.
The main 3 columns of People Management , can be said to be :
- Talent Acquisition
- Talent Optimization
- Talent Retention

Two aspects arise from the above-mentioned main 3 columns, one is Business Leaders and top-notch Decision Makers seeking quick and accurate results and the second aspect is to push down all associated costs.
It is well known that Human resources are a costly affair for any Organisation wanting to grow and prosper, however, with all this comes a price tag and makes HR a costly proposition in the process of hiring, training, and retaining people
As companies expand into new markets and take initiatives to venture into greener pastures, the complexity and scope of Human Resource issues increase tremendously.
Many attempts are made by Organisations in looking out for cost-cutting methods in order to reduce and optimize the output potential of each employee as well as overall, to focus on the objective of making business operations more effective with such human resource initiatives.
But all these efforts at times, only give temporary relief and do not last for long. Efforts are made initially with all gusto and then after some time, the fizz dies out once the energy reaches the saturation level. This is where an effective “Shared Service System” comes into play with effective business solutions and marginalized costs. Each Organisation has its own way of going about its business and the application of the concept of a Shared Service System cannot be the same for all. It is customized and fine-tuned to meet the requirement of every Organisation as each follows its own concepts necessary for growth and the high aspirations of giving success to its business.
Are you looking for ways to save costs and enhance the experience of employees in your Organisation? Reach out to Karma Management without hesitation and we will place you in safe custody taking care of all your needs of Human Resource Management and Development. Synergy in every process of business operations is where we touch upon sensitivity and cost-efficiency. Our designs are prepared in such a way that it gives immediate impetus for the seamless working of your organization. You can count on us to be your strategic partner and as you share your Humans Resource Management Portfolio with us, we become your Humans Resource Entity fully accountable for specialized services under the umbrella of HR Shared Services.
We plan, design, and build a detailed framework of how your future operations under Shared Services will look like, of course, with the help of our robust state-of-the-art technology which functions as a key process enabler, fully equipped to give the required support to the processes. Relative performance measures are put in place with a realistic approach and a clear vision of what is to be achieved. Enough effort is taken to define and split the Shared Services as well as the internal business with a view to ultimately achieve the monetary and non-monetary results
Karma is well known for quickly adapting to the shared business syndrome with full management and control. It takes a linear view of optimizing working practices, fully solution-based as per each Organization’s requirements. It is a group of people that come together in Karma to provide a cumulative experience from the gains amassed by the team over the last 17 years. Karma currently handles the back-office processes of some big Organisations cutting short the duplication of processes across the business to give a touch of effectiveness with an eye on minimizing costs. Here is a list of Karma’s Shared Services practices covering the entire life cycle of such specialized shared services.
- Define a “fit for purpose” shared services model aligned to organizational priorities and save cost
- Focus inquiry, transactional, and specialized service delivery for the “Must Be True Moments” based on desired employee experience
- Design and implement the automation capable of improving employee interactions and driving efficiency and consistency
- Align shared services to your broader Humans Resource operating model and transformation journey
- Get the “basics” right to allow Humans Resource to focus on higher-value activities
Treat employees as customers :
We aim to shift away from a transaction mentality toward more personal interactions with employees, particularly during key points identified as “moments that matter.”
Reshape employee interaction points :
We have the aim to review employee interaction points to be more in line with “commercial online” and “social media experiences” – incorporating mobile-enabled forms, chat, text, middleware
Shift technology focus from HRSS to Employees:
Our endeavour is to use technology to provides a unified, customer-focused experience for employees
While centralizing any function, adequate attention is given to the following 4 factors with the underlying desire to attain shared resource success, viz.
- Redundancy in relation to overlapping
- Reducing cost
- Improving productivity
- Taking customer experience to a new height
Compliance with data security norms such as GDPR and BCP are of paramount importance to our organization. These requirements are embedded in every aspect of the process, right from NDAs, data encryption, Azure server hosting and certifications. Concurrently our expertise and experience over the subject, equips us with the capabilities to set up Humans Resource Shared Services as per the requirements of our clients. We continuously learn and refine our model to bring predictability and strength to our shared services delivery.
Shared Services - What value does the client get?
With Karma Management already in the Talent Acquisition scenario, there is always a sizeable availability of talent that can be re-shaped, re-deployed, re-engineered, and re-trained in the fastest possible time.
Having this advantage gives sizeable leverage to Karma Management to augment its Shared Services portfolio up by some higher notches. Filling up employee queries and answering employee questions, brings about positive interactions to give a new dimension to customer experience across the organization.
Our Humans Resource Shared Service Model delivers –

- Engineered Humans Resource processes
- Consistent, efficient & outcome-focused Humans Resource delivery
- (Turnaround Time / Service Level Parameters) driven
- Employee experience
- Employee value proposition
- Cost-effectiveness and manpower optimization
Karma has all the expertise required to deal with this different niche of the specialized workforce. The 3 most workable and ideal perspectives, at any given time, are strategy, efficiency cost-effectiveness.
Our Humans Resource Shared Services can be tailor-made to meet your needs. Consultancy and process redesign can form part of a value-added package, for those looking to fully outsource their Humans Resource activities to our specialists.
Shared Services - What process do we follow and what tools do we use?
Passion and People occupy a high degree of uniqueness in ensuring that we build conversations with our clients passionately to deliver the Human Resource Shared Services Process in a way to enhance customer experiences with the kind of business resilience that we have.
The 6 P Process of implementation is a part and parcel of our Shared Services delivery plan as in this journey we always look at 3 things viz. understanding clients journey, getting technology inside it, and measuring success. This helps us to eradicate or reduce customer frictions by way of complaints due to unexpectantly through which the client’s positive reviews and comments help us to increase customers overall perception of our Company.

We strictly follow our 6P process of implementation, which is purpose-driven and designed, running through the stages of Process Assessment/engineering – Process Storyboard – Project Management – Knowledge Transfer – Pilot Testing – Ongoing Monitoring.
We execute our projects in 3 stages: the define stage, which is a prerequisite to any project, followed by detailing and implementation. We believe that employee experience can be delivered when Humans Resource processes are robust and are efficiently and consistently performed with SLAs.
Our Humans Resource Hovercraft system gives us the automation edge we need to manage scale and multi-location/system formats. We also incorporate process engineering skills to first create a robust process that lends itself to outsourcing and then proceed with transition.