Karma has now become Karma Global which was incorporated in the year 2004, having now completed almost 19 years of its existence.

As late as April 2021, Karma Global took a very bold step of venturing into foreign shores in terms of shoving up its business prospects in countries like the US, UK, UAE, Canada, South East and South East Asia.

It has already made its mark in terms of providing excellent services in the areas of payroll, outsourcing, recruitment and talent acquisition, facility management services and regulatory compliances including immigration, negotiations and employment contracts in these foreign countries as well.

The major services provided by Karma Global include Regulatory Audit, Management Consulting, Strategy Consulting, Financial & Tech Advisory, Risk Advisory, and Legal.

Towards the end of April and the first fortnight of May 2023, Pratik Vaidya, MD & CVO of Karma Global was in the U.S. and Canada attending the Select USA Investment Summit 2023 which came to a close, marking the largest Investment Summit in Select USA history, with 4,900 attendees spanning 83 international markets that was well represented.

There was lot of interactive session at Bay Area Houston where the delegates were briefed about business divisions in Franchise, Business Brokerage, Consulting, Education, Technology and Business Immigration and assistance was also offered to the delegates in buying or selling businesses with more than 400 franchise opportunities.

This delegation in association with the Consulate General of India, US Commercial Service of Dallas, IACC of Greater Houston, the Greater Houston Partnership and Economic Development Offices is another step in IACC’s development of relations with the United States of America.


Child labour is making a comeback with a vengeance. A striking number of lawmakers are undertaking concerted efforts to weaken or repeal statutes that have long prevented (or at least seriously inhibited) the possibility of exploiting children.

Since 2018, there’s been a 69% increase in children working illegally, according to the Department of Labour, and hundreds of child labour cases are under investigation.

Recent investigations show that many violations involve migrant children working dangerous jobs. At the same time, some states are rolling back child labour protections.

“When you get something this outrageous, it’s pretty much always many systems failing at the same time. And, what we’re seeing here is a crisis in the immigration system colliding with a crisis in labour shortages,” said Hannah Dreier, investigative reporter for the New York Times.

Dreier explains what child labour looks like today, the multiple forces driving illegal child labour in the United States, and why some states are loosening child labour laws. Plus, how immigration policy changes could help migrant children who depend on the jobs they have.

A new report projects some serious labour market churn due to advancements in technology in the next five years. And, looking back at previous debt-limit standoffs can provide a little insight into how the Fed may handle the one that’s going on now.

Let us take a look at some of the chilling stories as it comes from various sources:

  • First, a Labour Department investigation found more than 100 children between the ages of 13 and 17 illegally employed in meatpacking plants across the Midwest on overnight shifts, cleaning saws and other dangerous equipment with caustic chemicals.
  • Next, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed into law the Youth Hiring Act, effectively rolling back key child labour protections in the state.
  • A March 2023 report by the Economic Policy Institute identified over 600 active Labour Department investigations into violations of child labour laws — described in some cases as “systemic” — against a backdrop of an over 283 percent increase in child labour employment between 2015 and 2022.
  • The number of kids at work in the United States increased by 37 percent between 2015 and 2022.
  • During the last two years, 14 states have either introduced or enacted legislation rolling back regulations that governed the number of hours’ children can be employed, lowered the restrictions on dangerous work, and legalized subminimum wages for youths.
  • Iowa now allows those as young as 14 to work in industrial laundries. At age 16, they can take jobs in roofing, construction, excavation, and demolition and can operate power-driven machinery.
  • Fourteen-year-olds can now even work night shifts and once they hit 15 can join assembly lines. All of this was, of course, prohibited not so long ago.
  • Even New Jersey passed a law in the pandemic years temporarily raising the permissible work hours for 16-to-18-year-olds.
  • Children as young as 10 have been toiling away in such pit stops in Kentucky and older ones working beyond the hourly limits prescribed by law. Roofers in Florida and Tennessee can now be as young as 12.
  • Garment factories and auto parts manufacturers (supplying Ford and General Motors) employ immigrant kids, some for 12-hour days. Many are compelled to drop out of school just to keep up. In a similar fashion, Hyundai and Kia supply chains depend on children working in Alabama.
  • Underage kids, especially migrants, are working in cereal-packing plants and food-processing factories.
  • In Vermont, “illegals” (because they’re too young to work) operate milking machines.
  • Some children help make J. Crew shirts in Los Angeles, bake rolls for Walmart, or work producing Fruit of the Loom socks
  • The Department of Labour says it’s currently investigating over 600 cases of illegal child labour in America. Major American companies like General Mills, Walmart, and Ford have all been implicated.
  • Employers have been having difficulty finding the workers they need at the wages they are willing to pay. Rather than reduce their profits by paying adult workers more, employers are exploiting children.
  • The sad fact of the matter is that many of the children who are being exploited are considered to be “them” rather than “us” because they’re disproportionately poor and immigrant. So the moral shame of subjecting “our” children to inhumane working conditions when they ought to be in school is quietly avoided.
  • And since some of these children (or their parents) are undocumented, they dare not speak out or risk detention and deportation. They need the money. This makes them easily exploitable.
  • The U.S. banned most child labour. But now, pro-business trade groups and their Republican lackeys are trying to reverse nearly a century of progress, and they’re using the so-called “labour shortage” as their excuse.

Role of Karma Global in the U.S. and Canada

Karma Global with Pratik Vaidya as its founder, has entered the global scenario both as a leader and a moderator with a record level participation from 4900 attendees from 83 international markets and 55 States and Territories.

Karma Global took every opportunity to connect with the U.S. Department of Commerce, which promotes and facilitates business investment into the United States by coordinating related federal government agencies to serve as a single point of contact for investors. Select USA assists U.S. economic development organizations to compete globally for investment by providing information, a platform for international marketing, and high-level advocacy. Select USA also helps investors find the information they need to make decisions; connect to the right people at the local level; navigate the federal regulatory system; and find solutions to issues related to the federal government.

Karma Global has its offices in Newark, Delaware, USA and in Canada at Toronto, Ontario where it has been offering business expertise and business drivers with solutions, experience and knowledge.

Proprietary blog of Karma Global

This blog has been collated and compiled by the internal staff of Karma Global with the knowledge and expertise that they possess, besides adaptation, illustration, derivation, transformation, collection and auto-generation for its monthly newsletter Issue 14 of August   2023 and in case of specific or general information or compliance updates for that matter, kindly reach out to the Marketing Team – /

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