
ESIC Aadhar seeding in respect of Insured persons and their family members

Contents News/Article Date: 4th October 2023 

Relating to which Act: The Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Act, 1948          

Penalty under the Act: Section 85(a):  Penalty for failure to pay contribution

Non-payment of this contribution is a serious offense because it directly affects insurable employees. Hence, the maximum imprisonment for this offense is 3 years and the minimum is 6 months with Rs. 5,000 as fine.

Applicable to which State: All the States and Establishments covered by the ESI Act

Type: ESIC Circular No. P – 11014 / 3 / 2022 / Bft. II / dated 4/10/2023 issued by Additional Commissioner (Bft & PG)

Relevance of this news: Karma Global is in the business for HR Services, Payroll, Outsourcing and Regulatory Compliances right from its inception in 2004 and since then, has brought in a lot of efficiencies and technological upgradations with experts on its roll, to ease the hassles of Payroll Processing, Temp Staffing, On-boarding, Employee Life Cycle, Statutory, Regulatory and Payroll compliances by providing customized solutions to all its elite clients.

Karma Global does excellent work on providing ESI Services both to establishments as well as Insured Employees and in this respect, it will inform all its clients and insured employees about the many announcements that the Government has made in terms of expansion of ESI Scheme, so as to make it available in the remotest of places viz. 778 districts and also to make health facilities and medical colleges in progressive districts of our country further expanding post graduate medical seats.

And in this instance: Please refer to this office letters of even No. dated 20/06/2023, 17/07/2023 and 20/07/2023 wherein process of Andhra seeding was circulated in detail for information and necessary action by all the field offices. Despite of the above instructions, it has been observed that progress of Aadhar seeding is not satisfactory and the field offices are not able to achieve the daily targets fixed for them. Field offices have frequently raised issues relating to the OTP based authentication citing the reasons like non [1] receipt of OTP, change of mobile number by IPs etc. In view of the above, the matter has been examined at Hqrs. and it has been decided that in addition to OTP based authentication, biometric authentication should also be introduced to speed up Aadhar seeding in respect of insured persons and their dependents. The ICT Division(Hqrs) has developed an application for the same which will be made available shortly. For the Biometric authentication the ICT Division has suggested the following make/model of biometric devices which are compatible with our application and are approved by the C-DAC: –

Subject : Aadhar seeding in respect of Insured persons and their family members


Attached is the notification



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