NCT Delhi Private Placement Agencies providing workers to pay fees of Rs.5000/- under Contract Labour Act.
Contents News/Article Date: 2nd May, 2024
Relating to which Act: Jam The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970
Penalty under the Act – The penalty provided for violation of the provisions of the Act and Rules made thereunder, is the fine which may extend upto Rs.1000/- or imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with both.
Applicable to which State: Whole of India
Type: Office of the Commissioner Labour, Govt of NCT of Delhi, Order No. 15 (14) / Lab / 2024 / 456 / 459 issued by Additional Labour Commissioner
Pertains to: Private Placement Agencies providing workers
Relevance of this news: Karma Global is in the business of HR Services, Payroll, Outsourcing, and Regulatory Compliances right from its inception in 2004 and since then, has brought in a lot of efficiencies and technological upgradations with experts on its roll, to ease the hassles of Payroll Processing, Temp Staffing, On-boarding, Employee Life Cycle, Statutory, Regulatory and Payroll compliances by providing customized solutions to all its elite clients.
Karma Global has set up its offices in the UK, USA, UAE, Canada, and South East Asia and is fully into providing solutions for workplace issues, employment law advice, immigration and negotiation, representation in employment tribunals and involvement in leading cases, addressing HR issues in line with Labor Laws, payroll, staffing and talent acquisition.
And in the current instance, whereas, the services of grant of license to private placement Agencies providing workers is available online on e-district portal; – And whereas, a fee of Rs. 5000/- is to be deposited for grant of license by the Private Placement Agency, while applying for grant of license ; And whereas, Account functionaries of the Labour Department have been consulted, who have advised to get the amount of Rs. 5000/- deposited in the Head 0230 Labour and Employment 00106 fees under contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Rules).
Subject: NCT Delhi Private Placement Agencies providing workers to pay fees of Rs.5000/- under the Contract Labour Act.
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