Andhra Pradesh Shop & Establishments notification for auto-renewal of registrations, after submission of self-certification and payment of online fees and the process, has been enabled at all KIOSKS under the application of integrated registrations of establishments under Labour Laws.
For greater details find the notification for “Notification for Auto-Renewal of Registrations” dated 22/3/2022
Memo.No .lAE03·2202l/ l/2022-E l·LBRCOMR 22/03/2022
Sub: AP Shops & Estabhshments act 1988- Introducing Auto Renewals of Reg1scrallon under the Andhra Pradesh Shops and Establishments Act 1988{Act No. 20 of 1988) .on submission of self-cert1fic:at1on and payment of fee online instead of exemption from renewals of registration Instructions issued· Reg
Ref: l)G.O.Ms No. 11 of LFB & IMS (Lab-I) Department, Dt: 13.08.2021.
2) Mail received from ap online dated 20.03.2022
Government has issued a notification vide reference 1st cited for the Auto-renewals of Registration under the Andhra Pradesh Shops And Establishments Act, 1988 after submission of self-certification and payment of fee online instead of, exemption from renewal of Registrations introduced in view of the completion of phase-11 action plans as set by DPIIT Regulatory Compliance Portal.
It is further informed that the ren7;r..a. 1 w:o.c..ess has been enabled to all kiosks under the application for integrated registration of establishment under Labour Laws (Second Schedule (Sec2(d) and Sec 4(1) ) – Form A service in Labour Department vide reference 2nd cited.
Therefore, all the Deputy Commissioners of Labour, Assistant Commissioners of Labour, and Assistant Labour Officers in the state are instructed to pursue the auto-renewal process by all the Shops and Establishments in order to comply with the said G.O and also inform the employers / Stakeholders utilize the facility and remit the requisite fee directly through Mee-Seva.
S Lakshminarayana
Joint Commissioner
All the DCLs/ACLs/ALOs in the state.
Copy to Peshi to Spl.COL, A.P., Vijayawada.