What is the service about ?
Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd. unit has already made its foray into the international payroll processing world for countries like UK, Philippines, Indonesia, and many others are in the pipeline for the wonderful offerings that our system provides. The capabilities of our cohesive payroll processor are unfathomable. There are numerous HRMS in the market but what makes our processor stand apart and which has a distinct edge over others is the very fact that all the tasks and sub-tasks are automatically driven by a newly evolved platform called “Fulcrum”. As the word itself goes that this spindle or axle is a key factor that rotates or hinges all the payroll tasks and subtasks into an efficient shaft, in a timebound manner, totally disciplined to the various dates of the payroll cycle of every client on board.
We heartily take pride in this distinct payroll processor where there is absolutely no room for manual interventions and all streams of payroll essentials right up to the disposition of statutory deductions and contributions, is churned out productively and efficiently with the aid of state of the art technology called “My Payroll Buddy”. The mark up of attendance leading to the attendance of earned days especially in the case of daily rated in India and weekly rated in some countries and fortnightly rated in other countries, together with monthly rated employees, can simply be uploaded by which means all the data points can automatically be populated in the system to give the final pay results. Also, those who work on biometric or have installed an app called “cuckoo” which is an extension to punch attendance on GPS from any location, have been quite an attraction with many of the large-scale users where remote attendance capturing was an issue. However, this notable feature has set aside all the worries of manual and remote attendance by simply punching or tapping the cuckoo for attendance mark up from any location of any state or territory.
Besides the above creditworthy features, our HRMS software is equipped to take care of all the core payroll activities like :

- On-boarding
- Leave
- Attendance
- Payroll
- Reimbursement
- Reports and online employee self-service to access payslip
- IT declaration
- Employee self-service
- Payment to indirect employees in relation to service conditions by vendors
We are very clear with our ultimate endeavor which does not dwell on building a mere relationship but our guiding light will be to provide constant partnering support to all our clients in their bid to seamlessly run the payouts for their employees, errorless and efficiently and timely without the hassles and botheration of various other accompaniments like :
- Pre-on boarding & onboarding Management.
- Employment Letter Generation with Unique ID.
- Employee Database Management - Update Employee Details.
- Performance Management, Alerts & Reminders, Memos, Bulletin.
- Humans Resource Reports, Document Center to manager Humans Resource Policy Manuals, Handbooks, HRMS forms
What value does the clients get ?

A comprehensive solution when it comes to Payroll and Statutory or social contributions, we provide solutions right from the small number of employees, starting with 20 to over lakhs of employees whose payroll and statutory contributions need to be generated timely, effortlessly, and errorless. Globally speaking, given the kind of social security funding, health care levy, national pension, unemployment social security contributions, notice period, severance pay, taxation, various types of leave including parental leave, paternity leave, bereavement leave, coupled with differing pay cycles, all the hassles, and bustles of data and figures management is taken care of by the payroll processor and the knowledgeable employees handling the processor, by remote control without the necessity of any physical interactions for clarity or clarifications.
Karma Management spearheading in driving the change and helping client organizations to manage people, processes, and technology have benefited the Global and Domestic Client Organizations in leaps and bounds. Achieving outsourced operational efficiency by optimizing and driving a deeply rooted linkage between the three i.e. people, process, and technology, the actions of the outsourced staff or contingent workers have been highly effective and in turn, has given the client organizations, a value-added perspective, and success to the PPT model so ingrained in the working abilities of Karma Management as an HR Outsourcing Company or better known as Contingent Workforce Organization. Client Organizations feedback has been very encouraging as Karma Management has maintained a perfect balance in the 3 PPTs, where it has given equal attention to People, Process, and Technology without neglecting or cutting anyone, driving an impeccable balance with the right people and right communication.
Traditionally the work done by employees was always prone to errors which can be costly and it was a daily routine to carry forward the corrections, month on month which was time-consuming given the enormity of data requirements. However, with our ISO 9001 and 27001 certification and secured on a cloud-based server, errors stand at a negligible distance being the handiwork of artificial intelligence automation.
The main takeaway for the clients will be using key performance indicators to drive and maintain high service standards backed up by a solid foundation of data quality and consistency of data.
What tools do we use ?

The reality is that highly graded and high-end technology can substantially reduce the cost of payroll administration and management and provides ample opportunities for the business to add significant value to the business through improved quality of service, greater consistency, and by freeing up time for internal payroll resources to invest their time in more strategic activities. One of the many benefits of implementing our software will be that it will save a lot of time and energy. Research shows that some typical mid-sized mid-sized foreign companies, do spend about 100 minutes per employee processing and administering payroll. However, the very companies who have entrusted their work to karma global consulting giants, found the time taken to process payroll was just 16 minutes per employee during peak time, an astounding 85% reduction of time and effort.
We have our very own highly indigenized and customized payroll tool called “MY PAYROLL BUDDY.’ A super solution that has the best of Humans Resource & payroll software, the best team for payroll & its compliance services, the only fully geared system to offer free & fully loaded content for compliance updates. The core strength of My payroll buddy is not just the payroll service offerings over the technology platform. but has payroll generation domain expertise of over a decade.