Karma Ex employees
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Karma Management continues nurturing network of ex employees even today, who consider the organization as their alma mater. 

Seen in the pictures above , is the CVO and MD , Pratik Vaidya along with the Founder of Karma Management, Kishor Vaidya at an outdoor event that was organized way back on 28th February 2018 and which incidentally , happened to be the birthday of Siddhi Kusuma which was celebrated with funfare and games , seen in the picture where she is cutting the cake and also putting her comments on the “Karma Konnect”  Landscape.

4 years have gone by and  most of the ex employees of Karma Management are still rooted deeply with this organization called Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd. that was established in 2004.

Coincidentally, today the 28th February 2022, happens to be the birthday of ex – employee Siddhi Kusuma and yet again, wherever she is, all the employees of Karma Management send out their good wishes to her on this day, wishing her loads of happiness and all the best wishes for  her future endeavours.

Karma Management Global Tech Firm has always taken a renewed interest in connecting with ex-employees who have left voluntarily to pursue their other interest elsewhere, and thus the alumni network of ex employees has always remained strong which has helped the organization in many ways.

In fact, Karma Management had a wonderful practice of holding outdoor events for its 200 staff every year at an attractive location where quality time would be spent in getting to know more of each other which was interspersed with a lot of learning , presentations and team building exercise until covid came into existence which brought about restrictions on activities.

Yes , temporary disruptions are caused due to sometimes “moving on” mindset which comes in , otherwise, professional development and learning opportunities with adaptation to latest state-of-the art technology, has always been a factor reshaping, building and binding  the knowledge and expertise of our employees and also ex – employees who have always remained connected wherever they are even today.  In fact, there are some who have reached the superannuation and retired happily and they still continue working for Karma as consultants , contributing to the overall growth of the organization side by side the existing staff and associates.

It gives a great feeling for the Organization whenever ex employees get connected,  on some occasion or the other, as their involvement adds value in 3 big ways :

Three Pie Chart

At  Karma Management, alumni networking program’s  strength lies not only in the company’s ability to maintain ties with former colleagues but most of the ex employees contribute in some way or the other , as also being a rich source of passive candidates who have understood and are deeply rooted in the culture of the organization and who are juxtaposed with broader expertise, improved skills and mind set.

Karma Management’s outsourcing business has been growing with expansion in foreign countries like U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Middle East and Far East and payroll processing has found a big success with global clients.

So here is the time for all Global Clients or domestic clients   to kindly approach us at the earliest for any of your outsourcing and  payroll   requirements whether in India or across any of the global countries.  We have a big team of payroll and outsourcing  experts who have been in this profession for over 10 years , churning out on daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly basis, to give quick and accurate delivery of payroll and outsourcing  services via our state of the art tools which also contains an employee self service module and appraisal management together with mobile app attendance and above all, a chat bot.

Please get connected with our Marketing / Sales Department located at Karma House, Santacruz East, Mumbai on our board lines (022) 42 44 44 44 and you can be assured of quality and excellent payroll service

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