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Karma Management’s Recruitment Wing has gone through the experience of transformation and is now harvesting on digitalized hiring in a big way.

Technology adoption has picked up pace in Karma and all the traditional problems faced earlier, have passed through the transformation stage of solutions , being developed for the Indian market. This makes it more accessible and affordable for stakeholders.

In keeping with the various latest trends in the industry, Karma Management , while adopting digital solutions, has powered highly intensive AI quality assessment for smarter ways of carrying out recruitment operations .

In the pre-liberalization era, manufacturing used to be highly labour intensive and there were many inefficiencies that translated into financial inefficiencies. The first set of reforms after liberalization, set India’s manufacturing industry on the path to becoming a power house. From being a very controlled, licensed and labour intensive industry, it has evolved into a free market and competitive industry. This has urged companies to do better, prompting them to introduce digital innovations.

It is in this context, that Karma Management Global Tech , ventured all out into the arena of digitalization , indispensable for long term growth. This is so because Karma believes that Digitalization plays a key role in increasing efficiency, bringing monetary and non monetary benefits for the candidates, for the clients and the company as a whole.

Karma Management and all its Hiring Managers and Executives, have done away with the repetitive tasks of hiring, as the new role now involves making intelligent decisions through digital innovations. It has extended this robotic programming down to the grass root level as transformation takes place from bottom up and not the other way round.

As per the recent announcement made, it has been made known that over 3 Crore Unorganized Workers have Registered On E-Shram Portal. There are a majority of India’s manufacturing companies in the unorganized sector and there is still along way to go before the industry can make the most of the digitalization. However, Karma Management Global Tech, being a foremost Manpower Supplying Agency foresaw this rapid technological expedition years back and that is how, you see lot of digital progress on hiring of candidates in a clinical manner where the process of scouting, selection, shortlisting, appointing, on boarding , induction and orientation is done digitally, saving a lot of time for the Hiring Managers and Executives, the same time of which is now spent on Employee Value Proposition (EVM) thereby giving a distinct edge to the candidates in the execution of timely and qualitative delivery to clients.

Karma Management’s expert Hiring Managers look at the entire recruitment process as “client centric” with “care delivery” . This process is helping Karma Management’s Recruitment Division to bridge the gap between urban candidates and candidates in the rural areas by tapping the skill professionals both within reach and those who are far flung with the aid of technology. So the question of scarcity of skilled professionals , has reduced the gap by means of digital innovations that is paving the way for modern India to make the most of its technological ability.

Innovation has proved to be vital for accelerating the growth of the Indian economy and with time changing trends . At the same time, it is not just technology but branding an Organization itself has become the “in thing” in today’s times. In this regard, therefore, brands, communities and Governments are all coming together to build a robust eco- system to further push India towards global leadership.

On the Global Leadership ship front, Karma itself has undergone a sea change in its “avatar” to re-jig and re-designate itself as Karma Management Global Tech, where we have reached out to entrepreneurs in countries like US, UK, Europe, Middle East, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, etc. who have availed our outsourcing and payroll services in a big way.

With the onset of this penetration, Karma Management’s Recruitment Division is also on the verge of creating an explosion in international territories by way of offering skilled candidates with multi-dimensional skill-sets in the areas of IT and software development.

The changing dynamics are urging brands like Karma Management to introduce more products that will help clients to solve real life business challenges which will elevate their overall experience in the industry.

The talented pool of Karma’s staff , coupled with emerging recruitment needs and fast adoption of technology has made Karma a highly significant place , on whom the clients can place their trust and confidence for getting the best of services , both at domestic and international levels.

Karma’s values and culture system has always been at the throes of empowering its knowledgeable staff, and its clients to grow and learn and contribute even further to the creation and success of a new entrepreneurial force in our country , which will make all of us march on to the next century with determination and vigor and enveloped in robotic tendencies of the future.

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