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Role of Karma Management’s automated products viz. (1)
WeChecked (2) WeProcess (3) Payroll Buddy (4) Fulcrum (5) Bumble Bee (6) Zoho CRM (7) Zoho Accounting System

Being one of the top 5 in the field of labour-intensive industry, Karma Management is engaged in the business of managing HR & Compliances for hundreds of clients, besides its other verticals like payroll, recruitment, outsourcing, advisory, labour laws, facility management, court hearings and so on.

It has a set of dedicated and expert staff who run the in-house developed software with precision and zero-defect error. Such vast data of client employees can only be tabulated, generated, and executed by means of sophisticated state-of-the-art tools and rightly so, Karma Management has its own advanced set of tools, each dedicated to serving specific requirements.

With the technology wave catching up with most of the industries in whatever field they are, it is an accepted fact that technology is being integrated into various processes, thereby automating each and every workflow, be it a client meeting, or client phone call or texting message or mail to the client or numerous transactions or verifications, scrutinizing documents, throwing up evaluation and scores, aiding in the uploading of documents, compiling registers and preparing statutory returns, calculating earnings and specific deductions, and so on. All these workflows, right from the macro to the micro-level are embedded into the tools which Karma Management has developed in house and is using the same, full scale to facilitate invaluable services to the clients.

Karma management has hit hard on the technology trail by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in its processes and offerings. With the kind of initiatives in place and its adaptability towards the changing environment scenario, there has been quite a sum of funds flowing in from investors who have been interested in being a part of such an expanding enterprise, both within the country and on the global front as well; and because of this, rightly so, Karma ventured into changing its name and style from Karma Management Consultants in 2004 to Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions in April 2021 of this year.

“Outsourcing” and “Shared Services” being its mainstay as the front runners of churning out excellent services to clients availing of such outsourcing services, it did itself face some challenges on how to retain the best talents harnessed by us in the areas of outsourcing and shared services. However, it seemed to be a big challenge earlier but gradually the anxiety faded out since going by its value-based acronym “S.L.I.C.E.” i.e. Simplicity, Legacy, Innovation, Collaboration and Excellence, as the challenges seem to unfold and become less challenging, as soon as innovative measures were put in place to counter the challenges which seemed large initially but faded out gradually. Each individual comes on board with their own level of motivations and desires and it is up to us, how we convert them and bring their wants and desires closer to reality. This really helps since if done properly with hearts contents, it takes the forward course of aligning them to the company’s vision and the imminent prospects of enlarging the businesses.

Our Group of Leaders at the senior and middle level, work closely with every employee working in the outsourcing/shared services portfolio who are servicing a large number of clients, to try and understand their true potential and what is that single thing that triggers them into action and leaves them with a satisfying feeling of having accomplished the task in a fulfilling manner.

In short, Karma Management Global Leaders at the helm of affairs, while working on the drawing board to set the trajectory path for expansion and diversification, at the same time, it indeed spends time to keep track of the pulse of their employees so as to align each one of them within the S.L.I.C.E. value system which helps to percolate uniform values across the organization.

Having a staff strength of over 6000 employees on the outsourcing payroll does call for the tremendous effort in moving all its outsourced employees towards making them client-centric and value-centric. This has been made possible with the various measures undertaken by Karma Management in terms of evolving some of the best employee engagement practices, in order to keep all its employees a-float and in topmost gear, day in and day out. It has a system of conducting periodic employee motivation surveys which are entrusted to a reputed external agency and also has a structured mechanism for rewards and recognition. A lot of humming and buzzing goes on, practically every weekend or once a fortnight on story and incident telling sessions that happen in our well-furnished and soundproof conference hall, and sharing of such incidents relating either to clients or to their work accomplishments or family work-life balances, brings a lot of meaning and also gives a feeling of encouragement to other team members and colleagues. During such sessions, efforts are also made by Team Leaders to share good things happening on the clients front in various locations pan India or any such updates which keep the entire outsourced team together and binding, in a cohesive manner.

Each of the in-house staff who is delegated with the outsourcing or shared services work is fully armed to experience the various tools that Karma Management, operates within its automated systems. The AI-powered smart chatbot reaches out to employees instantly on the front display of their computers, to answer any and all queries, on a one-to-one basis. These instant answers prevent the employees from going into the depths of the contents to search for the answers as the chatbot itself throws up specific answers to specific questions at the click of the mouse, thereby saving effort and time to search inside for simple answers.

Karma Management takes the opportunity of placing before you, very briefly on the functioning of each of its state-of-the-art tools :

Wechecked is an inbuilt AI & Robotic process automation that seamlessly checks 40% of the documents once it is uploaded by the vendor. This tool not only reduces the time consumption of the vendor but the user-friendly interface makes the upload easier for every vendor. With the login id and password of the portal, a vendor can upload his documents from any remote location through a computer/laptop. The documents can be uploaded via 3 different modes:

Weprocess is a tool that helps you to maintain all the registers and records as per the state prescribed formats online for Pan India. It reduces the time for manual intervention as now with a mere click you can find the output of all records and registers. With built-in acts and rules for various Pan India registers like Factory, S&E, CLARI, this tool is perfect to map all the employee’s locations seamlessly. With access to create challans of all formats, this tool also has a respiratory for all documents

Bumblebee is being built on the premise of how clients can use data to make their decisions – particularly when disruption is happening in the industry all around the globe. Bumblebee aims to be as accurate as possible in developing predictability in order to really help businesses be more successful. The software uses Business Process Management tools that have cognitive conversational capabilities, allowing to configure complex organizational processes for seamless interactions with existing business tools. It has built-in business analytics capabilities to measure operational data based on user-defined business and operational metrics. Bumblebee platform helps businesses create solutions for problems that involve getting decisions faster with limited processes, limited technology, limited data and a limited workforce.

FULCRUM is a valuable digital container holding together as a cohesive unit, all the tasks, and subtasks, not only within the organization but also outside it. The tool can create meeting schedules, exchange the plethora of emails between the clients and the stakeholders. With the ability to monitor progress and closure of tasks and sub-tasks at various stages, the final outcome of this tool is to provide real-time successful completion of the given tasks by different units, which inevitably leads to customer delight and risk-free compliance management.

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