Karma Management’s Global Contingent Workforce Management Division or commonly known in the industry as “Outsourcing” works similar to Professional Serviced Office Solutions Centre, which is customer oriented with one ultimate objective of cobbling all the outsourced people or contingent workers or contingent labor at different levels and locations together as a cohesive unit , to make it work as Karma’s One Organization although being a sub part of many different Client Organizations engaged with us for outsourced serviceable delivery.

Each Organization who has contracted their HR outsourcing services or contingent workers to us, come with their own mind set, strata of skills and levels of work experience, however, Karma Management’s expertise in adding up to the ability of fulfilling the ultimate purpose of helping and paving a rightful path for all the contingent labour or employees on board the outsourced brand, is the culmination of business acumen that shapes Karma Management, regardless of the challenges along the way.

When it comes to Karma Management’s trustworthy contracts with clients organizations for deploying resources on their premises, there is no cause for worry of any kind , as all the hassles are taken care of by us , in an automated manner right from scouting, sourcing, selecting, appointing, on boarding, induction and orientation, education and training and performance management.

In this blog on outsourcing, we take a journey down on the role of outsourced employees training and development that happens within the confines of Karma’s beautified and elongated conference room located at its headquarters in Santacruz East, Mumbai where all the training and development happens on a regular basis.

Karma Management has a collection of about 6000 employees on its outsourcing domain who are productive, positive and perception oriented towards their job expectations as per the role envisaged for them in various clients organizations. These outsourced employees are given a clear perception as a part of the various nuances, be it induction or orientation or education or training and development. This makes all of them fully aligned towards the goals and objectives of the client organizations where they are deployed to shoulder the responsibilities assigned to them.

Training and Development constitutes an ongoing process in Karma where specific skills, abilities and knowledge is imparted to most of the employees. Karma looks at these learning programs very seriously as most of the time, employees are called upon to exercise judgement and to choose alternative solutions to the job problem, as it is a very well known fact that Training Programs seek to broaden and develop the individual’s mind set and behaviour. Being in the service industry, employees are required to make independent decisions regarding their work and their relationships with clients as far as the internal setup is concerned. On the external front, Karma offers learning and training services to 100+ companies thereby shaping the future of these employees rather than just grinding through the present.

Karma sees both the aspects of Training and Development as distinct from one another. Development is focused primarily on leaning towards knowledge and attitude helpful for the employees in mid and senior levels while Training programs are run across all levels of employees mainly for broadening the mindset and out of the box thinking. Not to be left behind, Karma always steps up by aligning with the latest trends in Training and Development, with key elements of ethical orientation, emphasis on attitudinal changes and stresses upon decision making and problem-solving abilities. Karma has a set of well-qualified trainers, who have a passion for teaching, constantly introducing new systems and procedures with a view to ultimately contribute to the personal development of every individual.

At Karma Management, outsourcing simply does not mean dispensing with entry and dealing with employees life cycle including compliances . It goes much beyond what others tend to do. We carry out periodically a “satisfaction survey” to assess the temperament of outsourced employees as to where do they stand in terms of the level of “work burnout”. It has an assessment yardstick to know exactly at what level of the “work burnout” the employee stands at , viz. (1) The honeymoon stage, (2) the balancing act, (3) chronic symptoms, (4) the crisis stage, and (5) enmeshment.

Karma Management takes adequate care to ensure that “work burnout” does not happen and if does witness this in any of the employees, immediate measures are taken to bring about a turnaround in the behavior of employees. When there is an extinction of motivation or incentive, which leads to failure of producing the desired results, the Team Leaders instantly put their acts together to pull out the employees either from their “slumber” if less focused or in case of “work burnout” if over burdened or if there is a career path deviation.

Karma Management’s Strategic and Operational Team Leaders keep an eye on providing the right opportunities for career growth and development with regular bouts of training programs that motivates the employees to perform at a high level and engage them creatively and industriously , so that at the end of the day or end of the week, the employees feel inclined towards their role and deepens them still further right beneath in growing professionally within the ambit of their job role or job enlargement or job enrichment that takes place from time to time.

Karma Management’s luster aided elegant Conference Centre , provides all the training materials , under physical environment as per the prior announcement of the training schedules and indeed, it has always been a delightful moment to see 100% participation of all the employees that are enlisted for specific trainings, without any call for absenteeism. This only goes to show the eagerness in each of the employees towards fulfilling the role of not only being a diligent participant but also taking the learning programs very seriously so as to imbibe the theoretical and practical learnings fully into the work situations which result in performance enhancement and high deliverables.

As far as outsourcing is concerned, what really matters in the end is the work behavior and attitude that identifies and defines the role of an outsourced employee, irrespective of grade, designation and various levels in the hierarchy. During the training sessions, a lot of time is spent on enacting work situations and work behavior especially when situations change from laxity time to extreme work crisis management. Here in this training , the art of managing and doing things during crisis, is exemplified and the employees are given practical guidance on how to stay calm and composed in these situations as well as at the same time, how to take a strong grip and control on the situation and resolve to bring instant normalcy in such situations with maturity and resilience .

With the changes happening in work situations from physical working to remote working due to pandemic , Karma Management has kept on evolving by using distinct strategies for successfully carrying out employees training and development from a virtual mode . All this has helped us to draw immensely from out talented reservoir of thoughts, methods, techniques , strategies, strengths and capabilities which exist in our Hiring Managers, Team Leaders, Operational Heads, Work Buddies, Mentors, Senior Consultants and Advisors. It is only with all the abilities of each hands put together, has kept us going stronger each day, at all the ends viz. (i) outsourcing (ii) shared services and (iii) training and development.

Talent Acquisition , Outsourcing and Shared Services, the 3 main steams of Karma Management’s business verticals , have one thing in common and that is nurturing and developing talent so vital and critical to keep the Karma’s flagship organization spinning on all its 5 axles. It is this key factor of nurturing and developing talent that sets us apart from others , in closing the distorted lines of communications between employees and colleagues, employees and peers, employees and team leaders, employees and seniors, employees and heads of departments, employees and Directors, which further strengthens and solidifies the company’s brand of being recognized as a “Good Place to work” and also in the various reviews on the web site, Karma Management was given 4.1 out of 5 rating and 76% gave ok to recommend to a friend and 100% approved of the Chief Visionary Officer – Pratik Vaidya

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