ESIC — Online registration through MCA portal and inspection of the units
Contents News/Article Date: 1st December 2022
Relating to which Act: The Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Act, 1948
Applicable to which State: States but specifically addressed to employers in Haryana
Type: ESIC Regional Office in Haryana Circular No. 13 / MC/ coord
Pertains: Employers and Employees and specifically addressed to Employers in Haryana
Relevance of this news: Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd is in the business of Payroll, Outsourcing and Regulatory Compliances from its inception in 2004 and since then, has brought in a lot of efficiencies and technological upgradations with experts on its roll, to ease the hassles of Payroll Processing, Temp Staffing, On-boarding Management, Regulatory and Payroll compliances by providing customized solutions to all its elite clients.
Karma Global does excellent work on providing ESI Services both to establishments as well as Insured Employees and in this respect, it will inform all its clients and insured employees about the many announcements that the Government has made in terms of expansion of ESI Scheme, so as to make it available in the remotest of places viz. 744 districts and also to make health facilities and medical colleges in progressive districts of our country further expanding post graduate medical seats.
In this specific instance, ESIC regional office in Haryana has specifically drawn the attention of employers / companies / establishments / factories / offices for registering through the MCA portal and to start the compliance of various applicable provisions of ESI Act 1948, from the date of reaching the threshold limit of employees. In case, the companies registered through the MCA portal, do not fall within the purview of the Act, they need not make compliance for the next 6 months or till such time they do not reach the threshold, but they need to login to extend the dormant mode and if they fail, the portal will automatically be activated and the company needs to start compliance.
This is a very serious matter which especially not non threshold companies need to follow else they will fall within the purview of the act and will have to start contributing to the Corporation.
Subject: Online registration through MCA portal and inspection of the units.
For greater details, attached is the notification
ESIC — Online registration through MCA portal and inspection of the units