Minimum Timelines for Maximum subscriber’s benefits – PFRDA circular

Minimum Timelines for Maximum subscriber’s benefits – PFRDA circular


Contents News/Article Date: 7th February 2023

Relating to which Act: NPS is now regulated under the PFRDA Act, 2013, and regulation framed thereunder by the Department of Financial Services and PFRDA. Under the NPS, every Government servant is registered and allotted a Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN). 

Applicable to which State:  Whole of India   

Type: Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority, Circular No. PFDRA /2023/06/SUP/CRA/03 issued by Chief General Manager  

Pertains to: All Government Employees                                                                   

Relevance of this news: Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt Ltd is in the business of HR Services,  Payroll, Outsourcing, and Regulatory Compliances right from its inception in 2004 since then, it has brought in a lot of efficiencies and technological upgradations with experts on its roll, to ease the hassles of Payroll Processing, Temp Staffing,  On-boarding, Employee Life Cycle, Statutory,  Regulatory, and Payroll compliances by providing customized solutions to all its elite clients.

Karma Global’s expert team is fully involved in the handling of any compliance matters where compliance burden and complex laws falls on businesses like frequent changes and amendments, high penalties, the inadequacy of knowledge and expertise with centralized compliance monitoring systems and integrated governance risk and compliance software’s

And in this instance: The National Pension System or simply “NPS” as it is called, was launched by the Government of India in 2003, with the primary aim of enabling a smooth transition from a defined benefit pension system to a defined contributory pension system for its new recruits except those under the Armed Forces. Subsequently, NPS was adopted by the State Governments, and various Corporates in the Public and Private Sectors, and later on, it was extended to all citizens, making it a truly universal pension product in the sense that every citizen in this country can now aspire and plan for a respectful old age living. In this context, the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act (23 of 2013) is notably a landmark legislation that has paved the way for the orderly growth and development of old age income security for citizens.

Subject: Minimum Timelines for Maximum subscriber’s benefits – PFRDA circular

Attached is the notification

Minimum Timelines for Maximum subscriber’s benefits – PFRDA circular

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