Revision of Minimum Rate of Wages for various Employments - 24.08.202
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Notifications regarding revision of minimum rate of wages for various employments (published on 24.08.2022) Government of Karnataka


Contents News/Article  Date :  24th   August  2022 

Relating to which  Act : The Minimum Wages Act, 1948  

Type : Karnataka’s Labour Commissioner’s Notification       

Pertains to  Employers and Employees                                             

Relevance of this news :  Karma Managemnt Global Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd  is in the business of  Payroll, Outsourcing and Regulatory Compliances  from  its inception in 2004 and since then,  has brought in a lot of efficiencies and technological upgradations  with experts on its roll, to ease the hassles of Payroll Processing, Temp Staffing On-boarding Management, Regulatory and Payroll compliances by  providing customized solutions to all its elite clients..

Karma Global handles both payroll and payroll related compliances for hundreds of clients and in this instance, it will make appropriate changes in the payroll as applicable as well as will advise all its clients about the revision in the minimum wages made by the Government of Karnataka   for skilled, semi skilled and unskilled employees. 


Subject:   Notifications regarding revision of minimum rate of wages for various employments (published on 24.08.2022) – Govt. of Karnataka. 


For greater details, appended below is the complete news item 


Notifications regarding revision of minimum rate of wages for various employments (published on 24.08.2022) – Govt. of Karnataka.


Minimum Wages rates for the Year 2022-23


1              Employment in Agriculture and Related work     

2              Employment in Soft Drink including Aerated Water, Minaral Water         

3              Employment in Manufacturing of Agarabatti and incense product            

4              Employment in Arecanut (Supari) Industries       

5              Employment in Automobile Engineering (including Manufacturing)         

From Date1-4-2022 To 27-7-2022             

From Date 28-7-2022 To 31-3-2023         

6              Employment in Bakery Industry and Baking Processes    

7              Employment in Beedi Manufacturing Processed                

8              Employment in Tobacco Processing Industries   

9              Employment in Biscuit Manufacturing Establishment     

10           Employment in Manufacture of Aluminium, Brass, Copper, Hinda            

11           Employment in Brick Making and Pre-Stressed Products Manufacature 

12           Employment in Carpentry Industry and Saw Mill Establishments               

13           Employment in Match Works (Match BoX) Industries     

14           Employment in Plywood Manufacturing Establishments               

15           Employment in wood Timber Depots     

16           Employment in Veneer Industries            

From Date1-4-2022 To 27-7-2022             

From Date 28-7-2022 To 31-3-2023         

17           Employment in Cardamom Malaise and Cardmom Gardens         

18           Employment in Cashew processing Establishments          

19           Employment in Clay Pottery, Ceramics, Stoneware          

From Date1-4-2022 To 27-7-2022             

From Date 28-7-2022 To 31-3-2023         

20           Cincona rubber 

21           Employment in Cichona Rubber, Tea and or Coffee          

22           Employment in Chemical Fertilizer, Pesticides and Pesticides      

23           Employment in Clubs     

24           Employment in Coffee Curing Establishments     

25           Employment inConfectionary Enterprises             

26           Employment in Cotton Ginning Pressing and Allied Processes     

27           Employment in Building and Other Construction Works 

28           Employment in Residential Houses including Domestic helpers  

29           Employment in Electronics Industries     

30           Employment iin Electronics and Electroplating enterprises           

31           Employment not covered under any scheduled employments    

32           Employment in general Engineering Fabrication and allied           

33           Employment in Motion Picture( Film Short Film Cinema)               

34           Employment in Fish Catching Fish Processing Fish Peeling             

From Date1-4-2022 To 27-7-2022

From Date 28-7-2022 To 31-3-2023         

35           Employment in Food Processing Packing of food products            

36           Employment in Forestry and Timbering Industry               

37           Employment in Foundry (With or Without Mechine Shop)            

From Date1-4-2022 To 27-7-2022             

From Date 28-7-2022 To 31-3-2023         

38           Employment in Glass Glassware and allied establishments          

39           Employment in Granite stones and Marble enterprises  

40           Employment in Handloom and Powerlooms(Cotton)       

41           Employment in Hospitals, Maternity Homes, Nursing omes, Clinics and De-Addiction Centres     

42           Employment in hostels  

43           Employment in Hotels Residential Hotels Restaurants    

44           Employment in Ice Factory and cold ice creams 

45           Employment in Khandasari Sugar Industries        

46           Employment in Washing of clothes Dry Cleaning               

47           Employment in Manufacture of Liquor  

48           Employment in Ayurveda Yoga unani Sidda         

49           Mandakki Bhatti              

50           Employment in Metal Rolling and Re Rolling       

51           Employment in Metal Rolling and Re Rolling (Non Ferrous)          

52           Employment in Mini Cement plant Establishment            

53           Employment in Mosaic tiles flooring tiles or glazing         

54           Employment in Oil Mills               

55           Employment in Petrol and Diesel Oil and LPG Pumps      

56           Plastic Pipes       

57           Employment in Printing and publishing Industry               

58           Employment in Private Finance Corpooration & Chit Fund            

59           Employment in Cleaning Scavenging of Bathrooms Toilets           

From Date1-4-2022 To 27-7-2022             

From Date28-7-2022 To 31-3-2023           

60           Employment in Establishments Engaged in Procurement              

61           Employment in public Motor Transport Establishments 

62           Pulp paper          

63           Employment in Rice mills Dal Mills and or ther Grain Mills           

64           Employment in Rubber Product including Foam Coir       

65           Employment in Sales promotion of Medicine, consumer items   

66           Employment in Security Agency (Industries and Est)        

From Date1-4-2022 To 27-7-2022             

From Date28-7-2022 To 31-3-2023           

67           Employment in Sericulture Units and Processes Part-1   

68           Employment in Sericulture Units and Processes Part-2   

69           Employment in Shops and Commercial Establishments  

70           Spinning Mills Industry  

71           Employment in Spun Pipes Concrete Pipes Sanitary Fittings         

72           Employment in Metal Almirahs Tables Chairs and other 

73           Employment in Stone Breaking and stone crushing          

74           Employment in tanneries Industries        

75           Tailoring Industry            

76           Silk Textile Industery      

77           Employment in Tile Manufacturing Industry        

78           Employment in Toddy Tapping Processes             

79           Employment in Urban Local Bodies and PRIs       

From Date1-4-2022 To 27-7-2022             

From Date 28-7-2022 To 31-3-2023         

80           Employment in Co operative societies    



83           Loading and Unloading 

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