Shri Bhupender Yadav briefs the media on the First Employment Working Group meeting in Jodhpur on 2-4th February - Karma Global
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Shri Bhupender Yadav briefs the media on the First Employment Working Group meeting in Jodhpur on 2-4th February


Contents News/Article Date:  30th January 2023

Relating to which Act:  All the 4 Labour Codes       

Applicable to which State: All the States and Establishments to be covered by the Labour codes

Type: Union Minister for Labour and Employment Shri Bhupender Yadav today briefed the media on the First Employment Working Group meeting to be held in Jodhpur on 2-4th February 2023.

Pertains to: Employment Working Group under the Indian Presidency of G20 has a mandate of addressing priority labour, employment, and social issues for strong, sustainable, balanced, and job-rich growth for all.

Relevance of this news: Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt Ltd has been in the business of HR Services,  Payroll, Outsourcing, and Regulatory Compliances right from its inception in 2004 since then,  has brought in a lot of efficiencies and technological upgradations with experts on its roll, to ease the hassles of Payroll Processing, Temp Staffing,  On-boarding, Employee Life Cycle, Statutory,  Regulatory, and Payroll compliances by providing customized solutions to all its elite clients.

Karma Global has set up its offices in the UK, USA, UAE, Canada, and South East Asia and is fully into providing solutions for workplace issues, employment law advice, immigration and negotiation, representation in employment tribunals, and involvement in leading cases, addressing HR issues in line with Labour Laws, payroll, staffing, and talent acquisition.

And in this instance: Ministry of Labour & Employment – First Employment Group Meetings will take place as follows

1st EWG Meet Jodhpur, 2nd – 4th Feb ‘23

2nd EWG Guwahati 3rd – 5th Apr ’23

3rdEWG Geneva 1rd – 2nd Jun ’23

4thEWG Indore 19th – 20th July ‘23


The three thematic areas on which the deliberations will take place will be

1) Addressing Global Skill Gaps

2) Gig and Platform Economy and Social Protection &

3) Sustainable Financing of Social Security

Subject: Shri Bhupender Yadav briefs the media on the First Employment Working Group meeting in Jodhpur on 2-4th February

Appended is the complete news item

Shri Bhupender Yadav briefs the media on the First Employment Working Group meeting in Jodhpur on 2-4th February - Karma Global


Ministry of Labour & Employment
Shri Bhupender Yadav briefs the media on the First Employment Working Group meeting in Jodhpur on 2-4th February

Posted On: 30 JAN 2023 5:30 PM Delhi


Union Minister for Labour and Employment Shri Bhupender Yadav today briefed the media on the First Employment Working Group meeting to be held in Jodhpur on 2-4th February 2023. He said India is hosting the prestigious G20 summit this year, which is the premier forum for international economic cooperation. The importance of this event lies in the fact that the G20 countries represent close to 85% of the world GDP, 3/4th of the global trade, and about two-thirds of the world population, he added. Giving details of the events Shri Yadav said the Employment Working Group under the Indian presidency of G20 has a mandate of addressing priority labour, employment, and social issues for strong, sustainable, balanced, and job-rich growth for all.

The meetings will take place as follows

  • 1st EWG Meet Jodhpur, 2nd – 4th Feb ‘23
  • 2nd EWG Guwahati 3rd – 5th Apr ’23
  • 3rdEWG Geneva 1rd – 2nd Jun ’23
  • 4thEWG Indore 19th – 20th July ‘23


The three thematic areas on which the deliberations will take place will be

  1. Addressing Global Skill Gaps
  2. Gig and Platform Economy and Social Protection &
  3. Sustainable Financing of Social Security


The expected outcomes of the deliberations would include an International skill gap mapping portal for assessment of skill demand, A framework for skills and qualifications harmonization with common taxonomies

Extending social protection coverage to the gig and platform workers, enhanced national statistical capacities to capture gig and platform work and aid in effective data collection, Policy options, based on social insurance and tax-financed schemes, for sustainable financing of social security and Prioritized Policy recommendation on welfare entitlements based on fiscal space.

India is hosting 73+ delegates from 19 countries, European Union and 9 guest countries, and 9 Regional and International organizations.

Along with the key deliberations, a panel discussion has been organized on the side-lines to discuss on Global Skills & Qualifications harmonization, and frameworks for common skill taxonomies on the first day.

International organizations like ILO, OECD, ISA, Indian institutions like NITI Aayog and MSDE, and EPFO will also be sharing their views on the topics. Member countries from G20 are also invited to share their interventions in the key areas.

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