Women employees will get 60 days of special leave - 3rd September 2022
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Employees Update: Women employees will get 60 days special leave, an order issued, check details


Contents News/Article  Date:  3rd September 2022  

Relating to which  Act:  The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act 2017

Type:  Newspaper Item featured  by Rights of Employees,  

Pertains to    Government Organisations  and Female Government Employees,                     

Relevance of this news:  Karma Global Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd has been in the business of  Payroll, Outsourcing, and Regulatory Compliances from its inception in 2004 and since then,  has brought in a lot of efficiencies and technological upgradations with experts on its roll, to ease the hassles of Payroll Processing, Temp Staffing On-boarding Management, Regulatory and Payroll compliances by providing customized solutions to all its elite clients.

Now Karma Global is also fully into labour compliances for nearly 18 years and is helping both establishments and workers for the fulfillment of obligations as per the laws of the land.  It has over 200 staff, both direct and indirect on its rolls and operates on Pan India basis.  Recently, it has diversified into foreign shores, into countries like the US, UK, UAE, Canada, Philippines, and Asia for handling payroll, outsourcing, recruitment, and governance.

Karma handles the obligations of all provisions contained in the labour acts and rules and in this instance, specifically the Maternity Act where there is an announcement by the Government on providing conditional 60 days leave to female Government employees who face loss of a child at birth, it will inform its clients accordingly so that the benefit can be extended to the concerned person.


Subject: Employees Update: Women employees will get 60 days special leave, an order issued, 

For greater details, appended below is the complete news item 


Employees Update: Women employees will get 60 days special leave, an order issued, check details


The Modi government at the Center has given great relief to the women employees. Actually, women employees will now be allowed 60 days of special maternity leave. Orders for this (DoPT Order) have been issued by the Center on Friday. However, for this, it will be mandatory to comply with some important conditions.

In the order issued by the DoPT, it has been said that in view of the possible emotional trauma if the child dies soon after birth, 60 days of special maternity leave will be provided to the women employees. In the order issued by the central government, it has been said that the death of a newborn baby immediately after birth causes emotional trauma to the mother. In view of this this decision has been taken.

The DoPT in its order clarified that the matter was taken up in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. After which it has been agreed to give 60 days of special maternity leave to a female government employee. Under the new order, 3 women employees who have already taken maternity leave and their leave is continuing, will be given 60 days of special maternity leave in case of stillbirth and death of the child immediately after birth.

Along with this, their existing leave will be converted into any other leave. Also, there will be no need for a medical certificate in this. It has been clearly stated in the order that this provision will be effective on the death of the newborn child within 28 days of delivery. Only those women employees will get the benefit of this. Those who have less than 2 surviving children and their delivery has taken place in an authorized hospital.

That is, the private hospital included in the empaneled health scheme of the Central Government, women employees will get the benefit of this if the delivery takes place in the government hospital. However, in case of delivery in an out-of-empaneled private hospital and an Unempaneled hospital, it will be mandatory for them to produce a certificate.

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