What is the service about ?
As we all know, any company or establishment or principal employer whose work and hiring patterns fall under the criteria of applicability of CLRA needs to apply for CLRA registration. Whereas the contractor requires a CLRA license from the appropriate government for contracting workers to establishments.
The government of India passed the CLRA or Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act in the year 1970. The terms of the Act help in averting the exploitation of subcontracting work and establishing better working conditions for contracted employees. As per the terms of the CLRA Act in India, all contract labours are indirect employees of the organization where they have been hired to work through a contractor.
Any establishment that employs contract labour needs to be registered under the Act and required a CLRA license to continue its hiring process. The number of headcount for this purpose has been set aside by the authorities and it varies from state to state and also within State and Central Governments and is not applicable in certain cases.
There is a procedure to be followed for this purpose by means of various documentation and payments and with the recent changes undertaken by the authorities in dispensing labour reforms, Online Registration and Licensing facility is provided on Shram Suvidha Portal developed to facilitate Establishments, Contractors, Employers or Principal Employers to submit an application for Registration/License under Labour Laws Online i.e, CLRA Act, EPF Act, ESI Act, BOCW Act, ISMW Act, etc. This is the official portal of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India with the objective of single window access for Registration or Licensing related services of Employers/Establishments and other stakeholders.
Registration Under Labour Laws
There are a number of registrations required to be taken, and to list down a few as examples, it includes

- Factory License (Including Factory Building Plan Approval)
- Contract Labour Registration (Labour Licence)
- Principal Employer Registration
- Registration Under Provident Fund Act, ESI Act, PT Act, LWF Act
- Registration under BOCW Act and Cess valuation
- Registration under Factories Act
- Fire Safety Plan Approval and State Pollution Control NOC Certificate
- Registration under Shop and Establishment
- Registration under Trade License
What value does the client get ?

India is heavily regulated in the employment arena. Legal assistance should be obtained with regard to employment contracts and employment terms of service. Practical advice should be sought on best practices and common practices so that policies are HR-friendly and legally compliant. Advice should also be obtained on areas where compliance is difficult so that employers can adopt positions that balance convenience against risk.
As per the statutory law, the client has to obtain registration & licenses to run the business, have to ensure that the organization adheres to all the statutory norms applicable as per the state/ central Labour departments.
Licensing is an extensive process with multiple activities being carried out by the organization. To ease these heavy-duty tasks and to maintain proper order for every action taken, Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt Ltd. with its in-built software tool We Checked promises that all the registrations, licenses, and renewals are done with 100% accuracy.
In the scheme of things where the Government has been racing towards carrying out various reforms, an important aspect of the authorities has been to move towards e-governance in the labour law sector. A new web portal launched by the government provides users with a unique labour identification number, facilitating online registration, the filing of self-certified, simplified, and single online returns for specific federal laws, and a transparent labour inspection scheme on risk-based criteria. Some concessions have also been provided for start-ups in terms of employment law compliances.
This is where Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd. giant has been fully and aligned and have already adapted itself to the various instrumental changes by bringing with it a reservoir of knowledge in the form of its trained and dedicated staff who are soundly equipped to give both deliveries and results in an ideal form to the venerated clients by dutifully undertaken the various tasks and requirements on hand, within a mutually agreed timeframe.
What tools do we use ?

Karma Management Global Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd. brings its 2-decade old experience in the compliance domain and by the virtue of the same we guide and help the clients to procure & obtain the licenses/ registration/ renewals. We use our online audit tool WE CHECKED as all the information pertaining to registration/ licenses/ renewals are captured in this tool and whenever the licenses are due for expiry, an automatic pop up via mail, a message goes to the client informing him about the same. The system also shares the list of the documents required for the renewal process
The License Tracker gives an update on daily basis in the following manner : All the licenses and registration get carefully notched in the tool and these can be retrieved and viewed 24×7 by simply logging in the portal as and when required.
- No License - 3
- License Expired - 6
- No Action - 116
- License Compliant - 30
- Compliant, due for renewal - 5
- Expired – not due for renewal - 10
- Total Sites Found: 154