What is the service about?
“Don’t decrease the goal. Increase the effort.” Tom Coleman. And thus, Karma Global looks at the entire spectrum, i.e., supervisors, executives, and managers, to make all of them “learners for life,” and this happens when we increase our efforts to make our people grow and help them to acquire maturity in thought and action so as to reflect the ability to act, think and handle work situations in a sensible manner.

Training and Development constitute an ongoing process in Karma Management where specific skills, abilities, and knowledge are imparted to most of the employees. Karma looks at these learning programs very seriously, as most of the time, employees are called upon to exercise judgment and to choose alternative solutions so as to come out of a job problem easily, since it is a very well-known fact that training programs seek to broaden and develop the individual’s mind set and behaviour. Being in the service industry, employees are required to make independent decisions regarding unprecedented work situations and their relationship with the clients, as far as the internal setup is concerned. On the external front, Karma Global offers learning and training services to over hundreds of companies, thereby shaping the future of these employees rather than just grinding routinely through the present activities.
“Don’t decrease the goal. Increase the effort.” Tom Coleman. And thus, karma looks at the entire spectrum, i.e., supervisors, executives, and managers, to make all of them “learners for life,” and this happens when we increase our efforts to make our people grow and help them to acquire maturity in thought and action. Karma sees both aspects of training and development as distinct from one another. Development is focused primarily on leaning towards knowledge and attitude helpful for the employees at the mid and senior levels, while training programs are run across all levels of employees mainly for broadening the mind set and out of the box thinking. Not to be left behind, Karma Management always steps up by aligning with the latest trends in training and development, with key elements of ethical orientation, emphasis on attitudinal changes, and lays enough intensity for developing upon decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Karma Global has a set of well-qualified trainers who have a passion for teaching and constantly introduce new systems and procedures with a view to ultimately contributing to the personality development of every individual.
Training and Development are some of the main functions of Karma Management’s Human Resources Department since they help to remove performance deficiencies in employees, which are particularly true when short comings are caused by a lack of ability rather than a lack of motivation to perform, and this is where Karma Management lays emphasis on individuals involved in training and development to have the aptitude and motivation to learn to do the job better by bringing out desired behaviours. It focuses on teaching employees how to use particular machines or how to do specific tasks to increase efficiency. Practical and online training programs with customized development solutions are provided to our clients through our committed team of 100+ trainers at PAN India level. Our team offers training in regional languages as well, as per client requirements.
Our training and development programs can be broadly categorized into three sections, namely:
Open Programs:
These programs predominantly consist of the basic programs, which are pre-requisites for every organization and their employees. Starting from presentation skills, personality development, storytelling skills, and communication skills to decision-making skills, time management skills, risk assessment skills, and team-building skills, these programs offer a holistic approach to the first steps of learning. These also include online training on payroll software like the monthly attendance and leave management system, the income tax filing system, compliance courses, and designing the salary structure.
Customized Programs :
Famously known for providing the best custom-made services catering to all industries, we design customized programs for our clients as well. We are well aware of the fact that not every organization will be in need of specific training, and thus it is our duty as leaders to provide customized training for them, which includes soft skills development, safety training, quality training, and similarly others.
Train The Trainer Programs:
The Train the Trainer model is a training strategy widely used in the workplace. The trainer, a subject-matter expert, trains other employees—in the use of a new sales program, for example—and simultaneously teaches them how to train others in the use of the program. The method offers distinct advantages over other training models because trainees typically learn faster and retain information better than in other teaching models.